Students of the Military Academy attended the conference “Romanian Language and the Internet”

Posted on September 7, 2017 in Evenimente

Students of the Military Academy attended the conference “Romanian Language and the Internet”

CHIŞINĂU, September 7, 2017 – A group of students of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” participated in the conference “Romanian Language and the Internet”, organized by the Municipal Library “B. P. Hasdeu “, on the occasion of the 27th year since the Declaration of the Romanian Language as a State Language as well as the transition to the Latin script.

At the event, representatives of the well-known academics, linguists and journalists, such as Vlad Pohila, journalist, writer, linguist, Mariana Harjevschi, general manager of BM “B. P. Hasdeu “, Elena Ungureanu, linguist (Academy of Sciences of Moldova) and others held communications on the mentioned topic.

The promotion of national and cultural values ​​has always been a priority for higher education institutions, supported during the organized event, where current concerns have been raised about the increasing use of foreigners (Anglicisms and Russianisms) both at the colloquial level and in the online environment (social networking). In the opinion of specialists, Romanian language is constantly suffocated by words and expressions that do not belong to it, for which reason it would be appreciated to support the correctness of the Romanian literary language both in speech and in writing, because the correct language of a language expresses a correct thinking.

Annually, Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” participates in events dedicated to “Romanian Language Day”, which is an undeniable instructive content in the military-patriotic education.