Ukrainian-Polish peacekeeping experience in photography

Posted on July 12, 2013 in Evenimente

Ukrainian-Polish peacekeeping experience in photography

CHISINAU, on the 12th of July 2013, a photo exhibition “Common efforts in building and maintaining world peace and security “was inaugurated at the Center of Military History and Culture, organized by the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Moldova(CID NATO) jointly with the Polish and Ukrainian embassies accredited in Chisinau, with the support of the Ministry of Defence.

 The Ukrainian Ambassador in Moldova Sergey Pirojkov and a representative of the Polish Embassy in Chisinau, Krzysztof Bielaj, highly appreciated the organization of such events that capture tiny and abysmal moments related to the activity of the Ukrainian-Polish peacekeeping battalion deployed in Kosovo in 2010.

“This exhibition reflects moments of participation in peacekeeping operations of our country and Poland. This will be an example for other countries that want to be involved and take part in such missions in future” the Ukrainian Ambassador said. He also valued the Ministry of Defence support in organizing the exhibition.

According to the Director of the NATO Center for Information and Documentation, Mr.Nicholas Vascauţean, the event was organized taking into account the fact that Republic of Moldova intends to participate with a military contingent in NATO’s KFOR peacekeeping mission, under the UN, in Kosovo.

The exhibition of photographs taken by militaries from the Ministries of  Defence of the Ukraine and Poland concludes the events organized on July 9th -12th in Chisinau,  during NATO week in Moldova. The exhibition will be opened until July 19th.