Military Academy awarded the best athletes of 2014

Posted on December 18, 2014 in Evenimente

Military Academy awarded the best athletes of 2014

CHISINAU, December 18th, 2014 – The athletes of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” were awarded at the “Gala of the best sportsmen – 2014” for successes and performances achieved at national and international competitions.

The commander (rector) of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” colonel Mihail Bucliş stated that sport is very important for every soldier.”We are proud of the successes of our military that have achieved high results at national and international competitions, and promoted the image of the National Army and of the Military Academy in 2014.This was a very good year for the military athletes of the Academy, who participated in competitions within the National Army, Federation of University Sports of Moldova, national and international championships.”

According to lieutenant colonel Emil Gutu, chief of physical training and sport department, throughout 2014 the athletes of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” participated in various sports events such as: football, running, combat sambo, K-1, rugby, radiogoniometer, power lifting, free martial arts.

The winners have received diplomas and cups.

Winners of Military Sports 2014:

Best weightlifter- student Valeriu Costiuc;

Best athletes – student Stanislav Coroli and student Ion Neghina;

Best fighters  – sergeant  Dumitru Sîrbu, and  sergeant Pantelei Ţaranu;

Best football fighter  – sergeant Viorel Covaci;

Best rugby players – student Nicolai Dicusară, corporal Sergiu Nimirschi, sergeant Ion Cernega;

Best athlete – captain Natalia Lefter;

Best company  – company 3.