Information security assurance studied by military students

Posted on November 20, 2013 in Evenimente

Information security assurance studied by military students

From the 20th of November till the 21st of November, NATO expert, Head of the Regional Studies for Defense Resources Management (DRM DRESMARA), Brasov, Romania, Colonel Dr. Cezar Vasilescu engineer carries out a range of activities with students of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun” on ” Ensuring information security”.
Dean of the Faculty of Military Sciences, Lieutenant Colonel Genadie Safonov, said  that NATO expert visit falls within the context of supporting the implementation of IPAP objectives of the development of the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun “and the mentioned activity falls within the DEEP program ( Defense Education Enhancement Program) in which is involved  the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”. The purpose of the NATO expert visit focuses on achieving the curricula of cycle I.
The expert’s agenda included meeting with Commandant (rector) Interim of the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” Colonel Sergiu Timercan.
During the talks, the parties focused on some aspects of modernization and educational reforms in the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun”.