Diplomas to the graduates of the English Language Courses

Posted on December 20, 2013 in Evenimente

Diplomas to the graduates of the English Language  Courses

On the 20th of  December 2013, graduates of  intensive basic courses, intermediate and advanced English language received their diplomas in a ceremony at the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun”.

Diplomas were awarded by the Commandant ( rector )  Interim of the Military Academy, Colonel Sergiu Timercan, who congratulated the 37 militaries and mentioned that language learning is important and will facilitate the use of the linguistic competences in performing various military service missions both internationally and inside the country.

The head of the Military Academy Language Centre , Major Ludmila Ianovici – Pascal , in the process of language training , the primary emphasis was placed on improving the knowledge of English Language. The courses lasted 19 weeks and the advanced course  – 10 weeks. Finally, the militaries have passed a standardized exam of language skills in accordance with STANAG 6001 criteria.

Language Center of Military Academy of the Armed Forces was established in 2007 and is aimed at implementing the concept of linguistic training in the National Army and the connection process language training to international standards.

So far Language Center has trained 914 militaries.