Military students – national champions

On the 16th of December 2013 a group of students of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun”, attended Triathlon Force Championship of Moldova (samples), the second edition organized at Gheorghe Asachi  Lyceum, in  the capital. At this Championship the 3rd year student Alexandru Boldescu and the 1st year student Radu Surdu became national champions, at  the weightlifting sample. The championship was attended by...

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The Chief of the Border Police Department visits the Military Academy

On the 12th of  December 2013 The Chief of the Border Police Department Dorin Purice, paid a visit to the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun” , where he met with students of the specialty in question. During the meeting, Dorin Purice, noted the last reforms and achievements of the Department of Border Police and some aspects regarding their implementation in the system of authority modernization by providing...

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“Operations Planing” – studied by the masters

On the 12th of December 2013 – A group of NATO experts , represented by Colonel Dr. Florin Cârciumaru Head Crisis Management Center , National Defense University Carol I, Romania , Bucharest, and Colonel (r ) Mark Montesclaros, Command and Major State College U.S., paid a visit to the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun” . According to Colonel (r) Igor Zavalski , lecturer at Military Art  Department,...

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Carabineers congratulated on their Professional Day

On the 12th of December 2013 the Professional Day of the Carabineers, Commander (rector) of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces “Alexandru cel Bun” Colonel Mihail Buclis praised the students and teachers during a festive ceremony. “Graduates of the specialty Carabineers of the Military Academy fulfill the military service in the state power structures. I wish you great achievements, new personal and professional climbing,...

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Domestic Violence and ways to combat it discussed by the military students

On the 10th of  December 2013 Within the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” was held the seminar “Strategies for working with domestic violence cases ,” activity in the campaign ” 16 days of activism against gender based violence in Moldova ” . Topics such as domestic violence and ways to combat it , have been discussed by the 25 participants in the event. Lieutenant Colonel Alexandru,  Roman,...

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