Congratulation message on the occasion of International Women’s Day

Dear ladies, Our sincere congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of the 8th of March, International Women’s Day. You are those who give beauty to the world being active, competent and strong day by day, and you are those who keep the family heart alive with dignity and a lot of patience. May you always be appreciated and inspired by spiritual warmth, support, respect, admiration and love. May you always have a lot of moments of joy...

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Most Beautiful Wishes for Women

CHISINAU, March 6, 2015 – Military and civilian women have received flowers and gifts from the leadership of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”, during a festive activity organized on the occasion of International Women’s Day.   “March 8, celebrated at the beginning of spring is a great opportunity to pay homage to all women. Dear women, I congratulate you on the occasion of International...

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Commemoration of Heroes of Nistru conflict

CHIŞINĂU, March 02, 2015 – The students of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” attended the commemorative events of combatants who fought for the integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova. The Minister of Defense, Viorel Cibotaru, Chief of National Army Main Staff, Commander of the National Army , Brigadier general Igor Gorgan along with representatives of parliament, government and politicians took...

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A musical Mărtişor from Saveliu Cojocaru

CHIŞINĂU, March 1st,  2015 –The students of Armed Forces Military Academy „Alexandru cel Bun” attended the creative soiree of the interpreter Saveliu Cojocaru, organized on March 1st  at the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers in the capital. The songwriter Saveliu Cojocaru was supported by colleagues, disciples and ordinary people willing to listen to his songs. During the musical show songs from his repertory which over the years...

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“There was a war in my country”- 1992

CHIŞINĂU, February 27, 2015 – Employees of the Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” paid tribute to the fallen heroes fighting to defend the integrity and independence of Moldova, during a commemorative activity, entitled “There was a war in my country”, organized this February 27. Attending the event, commander (rector) of the Military Academy, colonel Mihail Bucliş stated: “The day of March 2...

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